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Department of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Undergraduate Program


Erin Reynolds-Peacock

Erin Reynolds-Peacock

Senior Clinical Lecturer

The Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, which prepares students to pursue graduate education in speech-language pathology or audiology, leading to attainment of the Certificate of Clinical Competence and state licensure in their area of specialty. Graduates can also accept employment as a speech-language pathology assistant (SLPA) or audiology assistant.

  • The job market for those earning master's degrees is currently excellent and is projected to remain so for the next few decades.
  • There are some 225 graduate programs in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences in the United States accredited by the Council on Academic Programs (CAA); however, the competition for admission is high in all of them.
  • Students approaching graduate school should apply to as many programs as possible to ensure acceptance (i.e., do not just apply to Auburn or one or two other places).
  • A student with a 3.5 GPA or higher and a combined score of 300 on the verbal and quantitative sub-tests of the GRE should be eligible for acceptance into a graduate program. (Students should consider taking the GRE early if their chosen program(s) require it so that they have the opportunity to retake the examination and improve their score if it is not high enough.)

Curriculum Sheet

Download the 2022-2023 SLHS curriculum


Contact Information

Erin Reynolds-Peacock, Clinical Lecturer
Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
1199 Haley Center
Auburn University, Alabama 36849-5232
Ph: 334-844-9600
Fax: 334-844-4585

John Fletcher
Office of the Registrar
101 Martin Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849
Ph. 334-844-4770

Student Financial Services, Financial Aid
203 Martin Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849
Ph. 334-844-4634

Gail McCullers
Office of Student Housing
Burton Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849
Ph. 334-844-4580


Erin Reynolds-Peacock

Erin Reynolds-Peacock

Senior Clinical Lecturer