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Department of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Certificate in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences

Our online post-baccalaureate certificate program in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences is designed for students who require foundational coursework to complete the requirements needed for graduate study.** Typically, students in the certificate program have received undergraduate degrees in other areas of study.

The SLHS Certificate Program consists of 9 courses for a total of 25 credits. Coursework is also available on an individual basis for students who do not need the entire course sequence.

SLHS Certificate Program Online Course Sequence*



Course Number

Course Name



Summer 1

SLHS 3400

Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism




SLHS 4520

Language Acquisition




SLHS 4100

Language Disorders Across the Lifespan


SLHS 4520


SLHS 3410

Articulatory Phonetics and Phonological Development


SLHS 3400


SLHS 3550

Speech and Hearing Science


SLHS 3400 SLHS 3410


SLHS 4600

Audiology and Hearing Science



Summer 2

SLHS 3560





SLHS 4620

Hearing Rehabilitation


SLHS 4600


SLHS 4500

Special Observation


SLHS 3400 SLHS 3410 SLHS 4520

*Students may also take coursework in a face-to-face format, space permitting.

**In addition to the courses listed for the certificate program all admitted students will need to complete content in the following areas before or during the MS program: Statistics, Biology, Physical Science (must be Chemistry or Physics), and a Social Science.


If the student already has or will have a bachelor’s degree from Auburn before enrolling in the Certificate

The student will need to go to the Office of the Registrar to open a new matriculation record as a second undergraduate student. The student can then declare the certificate by emailing Students enrolled in just a certificate and not a major will not be eligible for financial aid. 

If the student wants to enroll in the certificate concurrently with their undergraduate major:  

The student will enroll in the certificate like a concurrent major. The student can declare the certificate here:

If the student already has a bachelor’s degree from another institution before enrolling in the certificate: 

The student will need to apply for admission as an “Unclassified” student. The student will have to choose Undeclared-Liberal Arts on the application and then declare the certificate after they are admitted. Students would have to meet general admission requirements in order to enroll. 

If the student will have a bachelor’s degree from another institution before enrollment, but it is not complete at the time of application:

The student will need to apply for admission as an “Unclassified” student. The student will need a letter from their undergraduate institution indicating that they are on track to graduate prior to their enrollment. They will have to choose Undeclared-Liberal Arts on the application and then declare the certificate after they are admitted. Students would have to meet general admission requirements in order to enroll.

Admission Application Open Date
Summer Term: August 1
Fall Term: August 1
Spring Term: July 1

Admission Application Deadline
Summer Term: May 1
Fall Term: July 1
Spring Term: November 1

Enrollment Deposit Deadline
Summer Term: May 1 (or 15 days from acceptance)
Fall Term: August 1
Spring Term: December 1

Minimum Technology Requirements

Completing an online course means that you need to ensure all of your technology is ready. The following outlines the hardware and software requirements for success in the program. In addition to the items listed below, you may be required to use additional programs as part of a specific course.

    • Internet Browsers
      Before exploring your online course, you should ensure that you are using a compatible browser. Your online course is optimized for Google Chrome.
    • Internet Speed
      Our platform is designed to accommodate low bandwidth when needed, but we strongly recommend using a broadband connection (with a minimum speed of one Mbps) for optimal access to course materials.
    • Tablets
      While iPads, Android-based tablets, and Chrome OS tablets can be convenient tools for augmenting the functionality of a traditional laptop, they are not always sufficient for completing your required activities. We suggest having access to a true laptop or desktop computer that meets at least the minimum specifications listed above.
    • Other Requirements
      Your online course may have additional learning opportunities which may require additional software and tools to help prepare for activities. It is a good idea to have the following list of additional tools available:
      • Microsoft Office 365 or similar office productivity applications
      • Acrobat Reader
      • Webcam for video chat (often built into computers)
      • Audio microphone (often built into computers)
      • Speakers (often built into computers)

Contact Information

Mary J. Sandage, Professor
Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
1199 Haley Center
Auburn University, Alabama 36849-5232
Ph: 334-844-9646
Fax: 334-844-4585