Theatre undergoes name change

To more accurately describe the production work and scholarship of the department, and in keeping with higher education standards, the Department of Theatre has changed its name to the Department of Theatre and Dance.
"In an effort to more clearly reflect what we do as both a training program and research department, we are happy to announce that we are now the Department of Theatre and Dance” said Chase Bringardner, chair of the department. “This important shift from the Department of Theatre to the Department of Theatre and Dance more closely reflects and more clearly articulates the work we do as an academic unit and production-centered program engaged in a variety of high impact practices.”
The Auburn University Department of Theatre and Dance is dedicated to the education and professional training of theatre artists, scholars, and audiences within a liberal arts environment. The department champions the interaction between theory and practice and produces citizen artists who advocate for the arts through their own work in local, national, and international communities. Auburn University theatre and dance students think critically, creatively, and collaboratively and carry their knowledge from rehearsal spaces and classrooms to stages, campuses, and communities worldwide.
The course numbers, descriptions and curriculum will remain the same. For more information about the Department of Theatre and Dance, please visit: