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School of Communication & Journalism
Internship Tuition and Fees


Ric Smith

Ric Smith

Senior Lecturer

Internship Director

Why does the School of Communication and Journalism require an internship?

Internships provide hands-on, practical experience in a professional setting. The internship allows you the opportunity to apply knowledge gained through lectures and coursework to actual business situations. We believe strongly in our course curriculum. But we also know that practical experience is a marvelous teacher. Through the internship, you learn by doing. The internship enhances your classroom education and prepares you to step into the professional world. We realize the internship is challenging. OK, it’s hard—it’s both challenging and expensive. However, our decision to require the internship is confirmed each semester by the number of students who say the internship was an essential part of their education and thank us for requiring the course. To read what other students have told us, visit the Student-Intern Comments page.

What am I paying for?

At the School level, significant resources are devoted to internships. The internship coordinator is involved in all student internships from beginning to end. The coordinator advises students, evaluates internships, develops internship opportunities and information, reviews internship agreements, checks pre-requisites and registers students for the course. In addition, the coordinator, maintains contact with students and supervisors through e-mail, telephone, written reports and evaluations. When the semester comes to a close, the coordinator reviews all materials submitted by students and supervisors, conducts interviews as needed and assigns grades.

By nature, internships are resource intensive because much of the work is one-on-one with students and supervisors. The internship is indeed a course and one that provides a rich learning experience for students when properly supervised.

How much personal advising will I receive?

That depends on the student. The School provides various sources of information and assistance (and we are working to make the internship stronger through your suggestions). The program is designed so that students develop their own internships. We want you to gain a “job finding” experience for that job search you will do upon graduation. However, you are not out there alone. We do whatever we can to help. Some students are independent, organized and focused. They know where they want to go and what they want to do. As long as the internship falls within our parameters it will be approved. On the other hand, some students require more counseling. In those situations, the coordinator spends time with the student discussing career options, internship opportunities, resume building, interviewing skills, etc. It is up to individual students to make their needs known. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Once you are enrolled in the internship, you receive a series of reminders and other information. The coordinator also reviews mid-term and final reports and supervisor evaluations.
In cases where a student is having trouble on the job, the coordinator will counsel the student and, when necessary, discuss the situation with the supervisor.

How much do I pay and why?

The University considers the internship a course like any other. Therefore, you are required to pay tuition for enrolled credit hours. The amount you pay will depend on the total number of hours taken. Some students choose to intern while being enrolled in other classes. You have that option. Students who take a full course load, will pay the regular tuition for full-time students. Students may take a total of 15 hours Fall/Spring semesters (including internship hours), or 12 hours Summer term (including internship hours). If a student takes less than a full load, the tuition and fees will be based on the sum of four fees:

College Course Fees (per credit hour)               
Student Fees                                                  
Registration Fee                                             
Credit Hour Fee (per credit hour)                

For specific fee information, see the Student Financial Services website.

The School accounts for a relatively small percentage of tuition that students pay. It is quite costly for the University to maintain current enrollment for a student, and simply registering for the semester generates fees that are not associated with the School, faculty, instruction or student services. In addition, interns have full access to Auburn University resources such as libraries, web based communication and information, health services, counseling services and campus activities. Of course, not all students utilize all services each semester, but they are provided.

Final thoughts…

As you know, a quality college education is expensive. Studies have shown that Auburn University is a good value relative to the level of education you receive. The internship is part of that quality education.


Ric Smith

Ric Smith

Senior Lecturer

Internship Director