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Department of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Graduate Program Director


Jorge Muñoz

Jorge Muñoz

Associate Professor

Department Chair

We’re pleased you’ve chosen to pursue your graduate studies in Spanish at Auburn University. Take a few minutes to read our Graduate Student Handbook. It will be a useful guide for you throughout your time at Auburn.

The graduate program director administers and directs the academic aspects of the program. Our graduate director is available to meet with you to discuss details of our program. Our graduate director can assist you with:

  • Developing your plan of study
  • Helping you decide whether to pursue a thesis or non-thesis option
  • Determining your plan to fulfill the first year in another language requirement if you have not done so. If you have not completed the equivalent of first year in another language, you should determine how you plan to fulfill this program requirement.

Remember, by the end of your first semester, you must submit your plan of study to the Graduate School.

By pursuing your graduate degree at Auburn, you’ll experience an enjoyable and challenging academic experience, and you’ll be well prepared for the career of your choice.


Jorge Muñoz

Jorge Muñoz

Associate Professor

Department Chair