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School of Communication & Journalism hosts national writing retreat

Writing retreat participants pose for a photo on the Tichenor Hall steps
From bottom left: Christina Morus (Richard Stockton College), Evene Estwick (Wilkes University), Loril Gossett (UNC-Charlotte), Debra Worthington (Auburn University), Dane Claussen (National Communication Association) and Wendy Atkins-Sayre (University of Memphis).

The Auburn University School of Communication and Journalism hosted the National Communication Association's 2024 Mid-Career Scholars' Writing Retreat (MCSWR) in July.

The MCSWR provides participants with intensive writing time centered on the completion of a scholarship or creative project. The goal of the retreat is to help facilitate participant’s promotion to full professor at their home institution.

Professor and School of Communication and Journalism Director Debra Worthington hosted participants and National Communication Association Director of Research, Publications and Professional Advancement Dane Claussen at the College of Liberal Arts.

University of Memphis Professor Wendy Atkins-Sayre mentored attendees, including Wilkes University Associate Professor Evene Estwick, Richard Stockton College Professor Christina Morus and University of North Carolina at Charlotte Associate Professor Loril Gossett.

Learn more about the School of Communication and Journalism.

Tags: Communication and Journalism Faculty Research

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