Auburn PR Day focuses on the art of client service

On Feb. 7, Auburn University's Public Relations Advisory Council celebrated PR Day. This event allows council members and alumni to connect with PR students at Auburn.
Attending this event were head advisors of Auburn PR, including Haley Olver and Tuan Huynh. Alongside them were individuals who work for companies such as Delta and HG Resorts. These individuals shared current trends and best practices that will prepare students for future careers in the PR world.
The main objective of PR Day was to convey a message regarding the importance of a 'client-first' mindset. Lenze Hawkins, who graduated from Auburn in 2018 and is currently working as an account executive at Jackson Spalding, spoke mainly on the idea of client service and how public relations practitioners can make employees' jobs easier. Some expectations she shared with the group involved proactive communication, timeliness of responses, setting goals and going above and beyond for your client.
The advisory council served as a great example of how to lead in the PR profession through sharing key components of what it means to build strong relations and effectively manage publicity for a company. The audience gained great insight into how to navigate life beyond their degree and how to function as a PR professional in the real world.
The Auburn University Public Relations Advisory Council at its core is a service organization comprised of Auburn alumni. In its role as a service organization, the council exists to help maintain and enhance the quality and excellence of Auburn's Public Relations program by providing guidance and advice to the program director, the PR faculty and the director of the School of Communication and Journalism in the College of Liberal Arts.
Overall, the council presented a purposeful presentation that engaged and prepared students for their future careers as PR professionals working alongside clients.