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Department of English
Bachelor of Arts in English


Anton DiSclafani

Anton DiSclafani

Alumni Writer-in-Residence

Director of Undergraduate Studies

The English major consists of 36 hours of English (ENGL) courses, 18 of which must be at the 4000-level or above. You must earn a C or better in any course counted toward the English major.

Curriculum Requirements:

English Core (9 hours)

The English Core consists of three parts:

  1. Group I: Globalism, Sustainability and Diversity Course (3)
    • 3730 Representations
    • 3740 Identities
    • 3750 Cultural Studies
    • 3850 Study in London
    • 3870 World English Literatures
    • 4160 Technology, Literacy, and Culture
    • 4450 Topics in African-American Literature
    • 4710 Topics in Gender and Literature
    • 4720 Topics in Ethnic Literature
    • 4740 Environment, Literature and Culture
    • 4760 Topics in Diaspora Literature
  2. Group II: Linguistics or Rhetoric Course (3)
    • 3110 Survey of Linguistics
    • 3120 Survey of Rhetoric
    • 4140 Language Variation
    • 4150 Topics in Language Study
    • 4160 Technology, Literacy and Culture
    • 4170 History of the English Language
    • 4180 Rhetorical Theory and Practice

      *Students in the professional and public writing track CANNOT choose 3120 or 4180 to satisfy this requirement.

  3. A course in 4000-level literature (3 hours). Students in the literature track MUST take 3130 to satisfy this requirement.


Major Track (18 hours)

Student Learning Outcomes


English Electives (9 hours)

  • Any three ENGL courses not required in English core or major track
  • No more than one of these courses can be from the 2000-level

In addition to the requirements above, the English major requires a minor. Your minor must be in a field that will help you achieve your career goals.


More details can be found in the Auburn Bulletin.


Anton DiSclafani

Anton DiSclafani

Associate Professor

Director of Undergraduate Studies