I am currently in the process of accepting applications for a paid position with the Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center (JDCAC) for summer semester. There is an opportunity to extend this position past summer semester.
This opportunity is open to students who need internship credit and who are interested in gaining experience in the public relations and event planning fields. This position involves hands-on experience with general public relations duties as well as assisting in the planning and implementation of the SummerNight Downtown Art Walk and Auburn CityFest. Please see the attached document for further details regarding the position.
Interested students need to contact me and plan to submit a resume along with filling out an online application through the City of Auburn. You can apply: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/auburnalabama/jobs/4822228/intern-events-and-programs-jan-dempsey-community-arts-center?pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs
Sara Hand Custer
Cultural Arts Administrator|Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center
Auburn CityFest Co-Coordinator | SummerNight Co-Coordinator
City of Auburn, Ala.|Parks & Recreation
Office: 334.501.2947