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School of Communication & Journalism
Sunshine Cotney: Hope Centre Children's Home

Sunshine Cotney (COMM)

I decided to intern through a Christian based nonprofit organization called Hope Centre Children’s Home! It is an orphanage based out of Kenya, Africa and has a U.S. home base team as well. There are multiple work trips throughout the year, but I was able to attend the Hope Centre Youth Camp in August, with my internship! Our trip consisted of about 13 days including travel. We were able to do a Youth camp retreat with the kids, including creative station, arts and crafts, dancing, singing, small group, games, and we end the last day with a field day full of games and teams. It is the absolute best days of my life. 

This nonprofit used to be connected under a bigger nonprofit, and just this past year, became one as their own because of its growth. I knew someone under the U.S. home base team, and asked if they were taking interns to help with fundraisers, social media, meetings, etc. She told me they were, and I began this summer! My advice to others would be to communicate!! If you know this is something you would be interested in, don’t hesitate to reach out. Even if you do not see internships listed, it never hurts to ask. There could be a huge opportunity waiting for you!

The most important thing I learned outside of the office and in Kenya, was how to communicate effectively despite the language barrier. The kids are fluent in Swahili, but are required to learn English at their school- therefore they do understand what we are saying, but using slang, talking fast, and filler words, can make it difficult for them to understand. As well as their culture. They have a completely different culture as we do in America. We have to respect and honor their culture since we are in their country. The class intercultural communication prepared me SO MUCH for this. Inside the office, the most important thing I learned was that is it OKAY to not have it all figured out at first. That is why we are an intern, to learn and grow. I had expectations set really high for myself, but was humbled very quickly. This was such a growing experience for me. 

My advice is something I learned on my trip. Be flexible. Flexible is good. When doing something like an internship, but especially being in a different country, you have to be flexible and willing to step in and do, despite it being apart of the plan. 

This internship and trip was my favorite thing I think I have ever done. The work was hard, the travel was long, but seeing 30 orphans, smile, laugh, play, and love you for days, is worth it. I was able to learn not only lessons for my future career, but lessons that I want to apply to my day to day life. We also got to go on the Masai Mara Safari! Fun fact: The Masai Mara is what The Lion King is based on!! It is absolutely beautiful and will make you never want to go to a zoo again!