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School of Communication & Journalism
Mackenzie Deutschmann: St. Louis Cardinals

Mackenzie Deutschmann (JRSP)

My internship was a sports production internship with the St. Louis Cardinals. Every shift took place in St. Louis at Busch Stadium, and each shift was different considering I was doing different roles. My main role was a handheld camera operator, I would be given a game sheet that told me which gate of the stadium I needed to be at for each segment that they planned to shoot. For example, for the Bally Sports Ball Shoot segment, I always reported to gate 150 and would make my way to the dugout to film the Fredbird girls launching T-Shirts into the stands for fans. I was in charge of finding fun, entertaining fans to put on the jumbotron. I also have done some creative video editing, where I edited a hype reel to play in between innings for fans to watch. Thirdly, I also sometimes was assigned to tape, which is the replay station of the control room. I would replay bigger plays, like a diving catch or a homerun, and slow them down for fans to see.

I developed this internship by crafting a strong resume and cover letter and cold-emailing a lot of STL sports organizations. I made a Linked-In and connected with a lot of people in the sports production industry in the city of St. Louis, because I really wanted an internship in my hometown. A crucial part of finding a great internship that is special to you as an individual is making connections. Always always always go out of your way to meet higher up people in the industry, introduce yourself formally, and fill your social media with images of your work. It is also good to make a highlight reel of the work you have done, that way employers can see this and can see that you have the ability to intern in a bigger organization. Connections are crucial.

The most important thing I have learned in this internship is that it is important to be confident in yourself that you have the ability to do the job you were given. Your employer would not have assigned you a job that they did not believe you could accomplish. With that said, do not be too hard on yourself if you make a mistake. You are still learning, you are still a student. The people surrounding you have been in the business for years and years, so just always learn from your mistakes and think what you can do to make yourself better.

My advice for interns in the internship experience is to not be afraid to bring your own ideas to the table. Obviously do what you are directed to do, but if you have an idea or what to dip your toes in something that you were not originally asked to do, never be afraid to ask. I recently have been asking around about if there was any possibility to do camera work and now I have been put in contact with someone who can make that happen. I also asked other coworkers that not only work for the Cardinals but with other STL sports organizations, and now I am solidifying a job with the St. Louis Blues for winter break. Just make connections, work hard, and be confident.