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School of Communication & Journalism
Joleigh Cavanagh: Warner Bros. Discovery

Joleigh Cavanagh (JRSP)

My internship was at Warner Bros. Discovery in Atlanta, Georgia, with TNT Sports where I was the Charles Barkley Talent Relations Intern. It was my main responsibility to help the talent relations department in any way I could, whether that was editing TNT Sports’ on-air talent schedules, calling hotels for talent folios, or researching potential on-air talent. One of the main projects I worked on involved researching the new broadcast properties TNT had just acquired and helping the talent relations team find potential talent for these new properties. These properties included The French Open, Big East men's & women’s college basketball, and college football in the Mountain West Conference. During my internship, I also attended weekly meetings with TNT Sports’ talent relations, communications and public relations teams, helped coordinate talent for NBA summer league, and even got to work MLB on TBS. Every Tuesday I had the opportunity to work with the MLB on TBS talent. I attended the production meetings and then made sure the talent got anything they needed before, during and after the show. Being able to work with former Major League Baseball players Pedro Martinez, Curtis Granderson, Jimmy Rollins, David Justice, Dexter Fowler and Jake Peavy as well as hosts Lauren Shehadi and Greg Amsinger was truly an incredible experience. In addition, the opportunity to see the production of a large-scale studio show like MLB on TBS was surreal.  

I developed this internship through simply applying online. I found the application on LinkedIn and then applied through Warner Bros. Discovery Careers after that. I knew no one at WBD, and simply applied because not only was it an incredible company I wanted to work for, but also the internship interested me. Truth be told, I applied to over 50 internships and it was a struggle to try and get one that I really wanted. However, when I received the phone call I landed an internship at TNT Sports, I knew that everything happens for a reason. Therefore, my advice to others would be to never give up. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s true. I could have stopped applying to internships after I got my 10th no or even my 20th no but I didn’t, I kept pushing and pushing to achieve my dreams. And, not only did I land an internship, but I landed one that I desperately wanted at a company that I could have only dreamed of.  In addition, I can’t help but shout out Eagle Eye TV for how prepared it truly made me for this role. Without the experience and skills I gained at Eagle Eye, I would not have landed this internship let alone succeeded at it. I can not speak highly enough about how Eagle Eye prepared me for this internship. So, my second piece of advice is to get involved! Whether that is student media or somewhere else, it is so important to get hands-on experience while you are in college.

I could not describe everything I have learned at this internship, otherwise I would be writing an essay. However, by far the most important thing I have learned at this internship would be the importance and power of teamwork. Before this internship I assumed that departments work together, but I was not fully prepared for how much teamwork truly takes place. I was able to see the collaboration between the communications department and talent relations team on a daily basis and also saw the crucial partnership that producers have with their on-air talent. In any aspect of the industry, it is so important that you are able to work well with others. 

My advice for future interns would be to meet with as many people as possible, wherever you are interning. I have had the pleasure to meet with incredible people throughout my internship. From producers to production managers, to directors, to on-air talent, to even other interns. It is so crucial during your time at your internship to make as many connections as possible. This not only builds your relationships and network, but also exposes you to careers you never knew existed. Do not be afraid to send an email and ask to meet for coffee, you’d be surprised how many people truly want to help others succeed, especially interns.

I said this above, but I just want to reiterate it once more, KEEP APPLYING! Do not let one no hinder your confidence or even your 20th no, it was simply not meant to be. If you work hard and fully believe in yourself and the work you have put out into the world, the right job/internship opportunity will surprise you and come when you least expect it.