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School of Communication & Journalism
Jakai Spikes: WAGA Atlanta

Jakai Spikes (JRNL)

I interned with Fox 5 News in Atlanta. I shadowed the News and Sports Reporters and Producers. I primarily worked games and soccer matches. I also went out with crews covering serious crimes happening in the community. I was able shoot packages and edit them for my reel. I even got an opportunity to practice reading a script in the studio. 

I developed this internship by being involved in student media along with building connections. The advice I have for others is to do all you can in college so that when it's time to apply to jobs you know you will have at least one secured. 

The most important thing I learned during the internship both inside and out is to be MYSELF. No one wants to hire me if I sound like what I think a reporter should sound like. I have to be myself. Always be helpful, don't be lazy, and put away your phone during work. Always show up and give 100% even when you don't feel you're at your best. Fake it until you make it baby.