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Peer Advisor Wisdom with Trace Johnson

Trace Johnson

Name: Trace Johnson 

Major: Neuroscience 

Hometown: Ozark, Alabama

Classification: Senior


Which class has been your favorite at Auburn so far?

My favorite so far has been the philosophy course (PHIL 1020 to be exact). The class was so engaging, and getting different insights on how people define the age old question “What is the meaning of life,” was so interesting. The best part about it is how much of what I learned in that course can be applied to the way I define life. 

What is the best technology-based resource at Auburn?

The gaming center at the bottom of the student center. It is a very nice place to wind down after a long day of studying hard, but always remember you have to work hard if you want to play hard, and that doesn't just apply to playing games. 

What do you wish someone had told you before you started as a student at Auburn?

Explore all of your options! People told me this all the time, but I wish I would have taken the time and listened. I spent so much time perusing a path that I know wasn't for me simply because I did not know what was out there, and then when I took the leap of faith and started to listen, I found my true passion, and from a life standpoint I am so much happier. 

Where are your favorite places to study on campus?

The best place in my opinion is Mell. Mell is the best of both worlds. It is not as quiet as the library, but it's also not as busy as the student center, because in either of those situations my flow of studying will break a lot faster and stay broken for longer. 

How do you balance your social and academic obligations?

This one is one I struggled with a lot a first, but a wise person once told me "Treat school not as a chore rather just another part of your daily routine." At first, I thought that idea was silly, but I try to keep an open mind so I tried it, and it changed my life. Once people stop seeing school as something they have to do and think that it is something you want to do, life becomes so much easier. Another thing I had to learn and am still learning is the idea of seeking discomfort, because if you stay in your comfort zone then you won't be able to progress as a person (well, you can but not as effectively in my opinion). The reason I shed light on this is because when I first moved to Auburn I was a recluse. I barely left my house and spent most of my time alone, but social interaction is so important in life not just for physical health, but for mental health as well. So next time that person from class ask you to study with the, go or if one of your newly acquired friends wants to go out to eat one weekend, go because you never know, you could make a lifelong friend. Finally, if you need help with anything and I mean anything, seek help. This falls in the idea of seeking discomfort because most won't seek help because it is uncomfortable. There will only ever be one of you. People at Auburn (especially in CLA) want to help you and are more than willing to help. Remember, no question is a dumb question.

Tags: Students

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