Peer Advisor Wisdom with Rachel Rodriguez

Name: Rachel Rodriguez
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Hometown: Montgomery, Alabama
Classifications: Junior
Which class has been your favorite at Auburn so far? My favorite class so far has been geography. I loved learning about the world and all that it has to offer. The professor was so amazing and was constantly making things interesting. I definitely recommend the class if you're looking for a humanities class to take!
What is the best technology-based resource at Auburn? The best technology resource Auburn has to offer is Tiger Scheduler. Registering for classes can be so stressful sometimes. Tiger Scheduler makes planning out your semester simple and seamless.
What do you wish someone had told you before you started as a student at Auburn? I wish somebody had told me about all of the fantastic opportunities we have as students to get involved! Auburn makes getting involved so easy. There is something out there for every person. It is such a fun way to meet new people and find out what interests you. I love utilizing all that Auburn has to offer and will continue to do so for the rest of my time at this fantastic school!
Where are your favorite places to study on campus? My favorite place to study is the third floor of the ACLC. There is an amazing corner spot with a perfect view of Jordan-Hare Stadium. As long as I'm studying next to the window I can be perfectly content!
How do you balance your social and academic obligations? The best way to balance my social and academic life is to surround myself with hard-working and determined people. The people you choose to surround yourself with will either bring you up or tear you down. Luckily, Auburn is filled with devoted and passionate people. The staff and the students are always so uplifting. We truly could not be more blessed to be at a school like Auburn University!
Tags: Students