Mock Trial Competition Teams compete in fall tournaments

The Auburn University Mock Trial Competition Team recently competed in the first two tournaments of the 2022-23 competition season. Two teams attended the Davidson Invitational, held at Davidson College on Oct. 22-23. Out of 20 teams, Team A finished in second place and Team B finished in fourth place. Bailey Fortenberry, Melina Lettieri and Elizabeth Bartlett won Best Attorney Awards, with Fortenberry named number one attorney by all judges in four rounds. Josh Carter won a Best Witness Award.
Members competing at the Davidson Invitational were:
- Brinson Allen
- Jack Riley Armistead
- Elizabeth Bartlett
- Joshua Carter
- Molly Chandler
- Caroline Deale
- Leah Drake
- Jackson Faggard
- Gardner Flippo
- Bailey Fortenberry
- Alicia Jones
- Melina Lettieri
- Louis Levesque
- Matthew Parrish
- Claire Prestegard
- Laurel Ramey
- Kyra Reinstein
- Robin Selvan
- Danielle Simmons
- Brayden Simpson
- Logan Smith
- Anna Sweet
The 16th Annual Owl Classic was hosted by Kennesaw State on Oct. 29. Auburn's team took first place and received two individual awards: Caroline Deale, Best Attorney, and Anna Sweet, Best Witness. Members competing at the Owl Classic were:
- Jack Riley Armistead
- Caroline Deale
- Meline Lettieri
- Louis Levesque
- Laurel Ramey
- Robin Selvan
- Anna Sweet
For more information about the Pre-law Scholars Program, click here.
Tags: Political Science