Auburn alumnus named executive director of Alabama Writers’ Forum

Richard Kent Evans, a 2011 graduate of Auburn University, has been appointed executive director of the Alabama Writers’ Forum, a partnership program of the Alabama State Council on the Arts.
Founded in 1993 to recognize Alabama’s strong literary tradition, the Alabama Writers’ Forum encourages community-based programs reflecting a commitment to and support of established, emerging and student writers.
A native of Alabama, Evans most recently served on the faculty at Haverford College in Pennsylvania. An experienced writer and communicator, Evans also served as the project coordinator for the Political Theology Network, an international organization interested in the publicly engaged and interdisciplinary study of religion and politics.
He graduated with degrees in history and political science from Auburn and holds a doctorate from Temple University. Evans is the author of “MOVE: An American Religion,” published in 2020 by Oxford University Press.
The Alabama Writers’ Forum was founded in 1993 to honor the state’s distinguished literary heritage and support its ongoing literary culture.
Tags: Alumni History Political Science Center for the Arts and Humanities