Auburn sponsors game studies track at Big Bad Con

This year, Auburn University was one of four major sponsors of Big Bad Con, a nonprofit game convention that has become one of the key spaces for new and emerging designers to meet with industry professionals in analog gaming. The sponsorship is supported by the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research & Economic Development, the College of Liberal Arts and the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for Arts & Humanities.
Led by Associate Professor of English Emily Friedman, Auburn's sponsorship supported a new "Big Bad Academy" track of programming, which allowed nine early career researchers from across the globe to travel to the convention for field research and to present their work to the public, in conversation with both industry professionals and with mentorship from leading game studies scholars. Panels included Intersectionality at the Table, Dice, Deviance, & Dragons, Playing with Canons! and This Has Happened Before: Historical Lessons on Community.
The event also drew an international group of attendees who came for the Academy, which is one of the few in-person events for scholars in analog game studies.
Further events are planned to support Auburn's relationship with both Big Bad Con and the growing analog game industry, including a visit to Auburn from game journalist and critic Quintin Smith in fall 2025.