Political science professors named to new election advisory group

Political Science professors Kathleen Hale and Mitchell Brown have been named to the Election Workforce Advisory Council, a new bipartisan group formed by the Bipartisan Policy Center, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank, and The Elections Group, an elections consulting partnership.
“We are excited to have assembled a diverse group of election officials, experts, academics and industry representatives in this council,” said Rachel Orey, senior associate director at the Bipartisan Policy Center. “This is a multi-faceted effort to study, develop and implement best practices that will meaningfully improve recruitment, retention and training within election administration in the long term.”
The Election Workforce Advisory Council will leverage the combined expertise of its members to develop a sustainable talent pipeline, preserve institutional knowledge and improve job performance and satisfaction – all to ensure that elections are run by experienced professionals. The first initiative of the council is an academic grant program designed to generate new research findings to inform and enhance these efforts.
The council’s collective expertise will provide a holistic perspective to inform research, generate new solutions and serve as a central convening ground for this critical work.
Tags: Political Science