Department of Economics
Working Paper Series |
WP Number |
Deposit Date
Authors |
AUWP2020-01 |
January 9,
2020 |
Firm Heterogeneity, Misallocation, and Trade
Jong Hyun Chung |
AUWP2020-02 |
May 1,
2020 |
Forecasting the US Dollar-Korean Won Exchange Rate: A Factor-Augmented Model Approach
Sarthak Behera
Hyeongwoo Kim
Soohyon Kim |
AUWP2020-03 |
July 2,
2020 |
Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Consumer Prices: The Increasing Role of Energy Prices
Hyeongwoo Kim
Ying Lin
Henry Thompson |
AUWP2020-04 |
July 28,
2020 |
Forecasting Financial Vulnerability in the US: A Factor Model Approach
Hyeongwoo Kim
Wen Shi |
AUWP2020-05 |
August 27,
2020 |
Assessing the Role of Sentiment in the Propagation of Fiscal Stimulus
Hyeongwoo Kim
Bijie Jia |
AUWP2020-06 |
October 20,
2020 |
Relative Prices and Empirical Trade Patterns
Nazif Durmaz
Henry Thompson |
AUWP2020-07 |
October 29,
2020 |
Entry Decision, the Option to Delay Entry, and Business Cycles
Ia Vardishvili |
AUWP2020-08 |
November 20,
2020 |
U.S. Presidential Election Polls and the Economic Prospects of China and Mexico
Hyeongwoo Kim
Madeline H. Kim |
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Please direct questions or comments to
Dr. Hyeongwoo Kim at hzk0001 at auburn dot edu.