In keeping with the mandate of the Auburn University Multicultural Diversity Commission, the College of Liberal Arts Diversity Committee supports the following statement of the university’s commitment to diversity:
Diversity at Auburn University encompasses the whole of human experience and includes such human qualities as race, gender, ethnicity, physical ability, nationality, age, religion, sexual orientation, economic status and veteran status. These and other socially and historically important attributes reflect the complexity of our increasingly diverse student body, local community and national population.
Auburn University recognizes and values the considerable educational benefits emanating from diversity as we prepare our students for life and leadership in a multicultural world. Students who interact with and learn about people from a variety of backgrounds are more apt to understand, appreciate and excel in the community they inhabit. In this context, diversity is aligned with Auburn University’s land grant mission of providing its students with a superior education in service to the needs of Alabama, the nation and the world.
Goals of the CLA Diversity Committee
Members of the Diversity Committee believe that students who exhibit an awareness of and appreciation for diversity in its many aspects will be prepared to participate productively in an increasingly globalized environment. To this end, we create and support programs within the College of Liberal Arts that are designed to promote an environment of academic excellence that embraces differences.
The charge of the committee includes the following:
- Build a campus community that values diversity through the support, sponsorship and coordination of academic and other educational events.
- Support Auburn University in its efforts to recruit and retain students and faculty from underrepresented groups.
- Develop and maintain alliances with external communities to support diversity both in and outside of the university.