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Juliane Braun

Juliane Braun

Associate Professor


Juliane Braun

Contact Me

8064 Haley Center

Personal Website

Office Hours

Tuesday 2-3 pm or by appointment

In the news


Ph.D.,   Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Germany

M.A.,   Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany

M.A.,   Université de Bourgogne, France

About Me

Juliane Braun specializes in early American studies, with an emphasis on the multilingual and transnational literatures of the Americas. Her research and teaching focuses on transoceanic studies, the environmental humanities, and theatre and drama.

Dr. Braun’s first book, Creole Drama: Theatre and Society in Antebellum New Orleans (University of Virginia Press, 2019), examines the transnational, political, and social reach of French Louisianian theatrical culture. It has won the Theatre Library Association’s 2019 George Freedley Memorial Award.

Braun has held fellowships from the NEH, the American Antiquarian Society, the Huntington Library, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the European Association for American Studies, and the British Library. On-going research projects include a translated and edited collection of French Louisianian plays and a second book manuscript, tentatively titled Translating the Pacific: Nature Writing, Print Culture and the Making of Transoceanic Empire.

Research Interests

Early American and 19th-Century American Literature; Comparative Literature; Ecocriticism and Environmental Humanities; Theatre and Drama


Creole Drama: Theatre and Society in Antebellum New Orleans. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2019.

“Bioprospecting Breadfruit: Imperial Botany, Transoceanic Relations, and the Politics of Translation.” Early American Literature (EAL) 54.3 (2019): 643-71.

“‘Strange Beasts of the Sea:’ Captain Cook’s Last Voyage and the Creation of a Transoceanic American Empire.” Atlantic Studies 15.2 (2018): 238-55.

“The Poetics of Education in Antebellum New Orleans.” African American Literature in Transition, 1830-1850. Edited by Benjamin Fagan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 63-90.