TR 1:30-3pm
PhD, University of Kansas
MA, Abilene Christian University
B.A., Hardin-Simmons University
Mike Milford (Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2005) is a professor in the School of Communication and Journalism at Auburn University. He studies ideological and political rhetoric in sports popular culture, and public address. Dr. Milford’s research has appeared in journals such as Rhetoric & Public Affairs, Mass Communication and Society, Rhetorica, Sport in History, Western Journal of Communication, Southern Communication Journal, Communication Quarterly, Communication Studies, Journal of Sports Media, Sport in Society, and the International Journal of Sport Communication. He earned his Ph.D. in rhetorical theory and criticism at the University of Kansas. He also has an M.A. in communication from Abilene Christian University and a B.A. in communication from Hardin-Simmons University.
studies ideological and political rhetoric in sports, popular culture, and public address