Safety Policy
We prioritize a robust Safety Management System (SMS) to ensure the well-being of our learning community. Our policy focuses on fostering a proactive safety culture, systematic risk management, continuous safety performance evaluation, and ongoing safety education and improvement.
Download the AU School of Aviation SMS Policy Letter.
Safety Reporting at Auburn
To enhance our safety culture, a safety reporting system is available to all students, instructors, Auburn University Regional Airport employees and visitors. This online form allows you to report anything you witness or experience that may be inconsistent with FAA and Auburn safety standards, whether it be related to flight, during ground operations or on the airport ramp. While you can choose to remain anonymous on the form, it is helpful to have your contact information in case more information is needed to pursue a satisfactory resolution to the problem you identify. The more information provided about the issue, the better we can work to address it. This information will be used to help us improve the safety of our operations on the ground, in the traffic pattern and around the local flying area.
Auburn University will not seek punitive action for submitting data through this form. Only the Director of Safety has access to these records and will use the information you submit to seek a resolution to the issue. If you have any questions or other concerns, please contact the Director of Safety at
NASA Reports
If you feel an issue needs to be reported to the NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS), then you can submit an electronic NASA Safety Report on the ASRS website. The Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) is operated by NASA and “captures confidential reports, analyzes the resulting aviation safety data, and disseminates vital information to the aviation community.”