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School of Aviation
Career Opportunities


James Birdsong

James Birdsong

Delta Air Lines Endowed Assistant Professor

Chair, Aviation Management Program

Whether in the sky or on the ground, a career in the aviation industry is exciting! Auburn graduates are employed with top global aviation companies and organizations, including major airlines, airports, corporate flight departments and regulatory agencies. Career opportunities include:

  • Commercial Pilot
  • Flight Instructor
  • Air Traffic Controller
  • Aircraft Manufacturing
  • Aircraft Sales
  • Airline Management
  • Corporate Flight Department
  • Airport Manager
  • Aviation Consultant
  • Industry Analyst
  • Revenue Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Military Officer
  • FAA and other regulatory agencies


Internships and Cooperative Education

Internships and co-ops are excellent ways to combine your education with practical work experience in industry, business and government. You can earn up to six credit hours for an internship by enrolling in AVMG 4920. You should also take AVMG 3810 no later than the fall semester of your junior year to best prepare for internship opportunities. For more information, contact:

Dr. James Birdsong
Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator
Phone 334-844-1903


Career Fairs

Auburn Aviation hosts aviation career fairs each fall and spring semester that are attended by industry-leading companies and organizations. For more information, contact:

Daphne Walker
Engagement Coordinator
Phone 334-844-2828


Career Services

The CLA Career Services office is available for career search strategies, résumé writing and interview prep. For assistance, contact:

CLA Career Services Office
308 Tichenor Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849
Phone 334-844-4541


Career Pathway Programs

Auburn University partners with multiple airlines to provide well-defined paths to a career as a professional pilot.


James Birdsong

James Birdsong

Assistant Professor

Chair, Aviation Management Program