AppearanCe Concerns, Eating, Prevention & Treatment Lab (ACCEPT)
Director: Tiffany Brown, Ph.D.
Program: Clinical
Description: The AppearanCe Concerns, Eating, Prevention, & Treatment (ACCEPT) Lab examines factors influencing body image and eating disorders in diverse populations, including LGBTQ+ folks and across genders. Specifically, the lab focuses on developing and adapting intervention programs to help reduce health disparities in body image and eating disorder research in understudied populations. This research also focuses on identifying associations between interoception (the brain-body relationship) and body image/eating disorders and how these factors can be targeted in novel interventions.
Applied Behavior Analysis Intervention Lab
Director: Dr. John Rapp
Program Applied Behavior Analysis
Description: The Applied Behavior Analysis Intervention Lab evaluates behavioral interventions for increasing eye contact and compliant behavior and decreasing stereotypical behavior displayed by children with autism spectrum disorders and related intellectual disabilities.
Assessment and Intervention Lab
Director: Dr. Steven K. Shapiro
Program: Clinical
Description: The Assessment and Intervention Lab conducts research on assessment and intervention strategies applicable to a variety of issues and settings impacting children and adolescents.
Auburn University Brain Imaging and Ethanol Lab (AUBIE)
Director: Dr. Sara Blaine
Program: CaBS
Description: The AUBIE Lab uses MRI, laboratory stress and cue paradigms, ecological momentary assessment, and genetic analyses to study to development of alcohol use disorders.
Biobehavioral Research on Addiction and INternalizing Syndromes (BRAINS) Lab
Director: Dr. Richard J. Macatee
Program: Clinical
Description: The BRAINS lab conducts research within a translational biobehavioral framework to better understand the etiology and treatment of co-occurring internalizing and substance use disorders.
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory
Director: Dr. Jennifer Robinson
Program: CABS
Description: The Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience Lab (CAN Lab) uses psychophysiological measures and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the interplay between emotions/stress and cognitive processes, such as memory.
Comparative Cognition Laboratory
Director: Dr. Jeffrey Katz
Program: CABS
Description: Comparative Cognition Laboratory research uses a multi-species, multi-method, converging operations approach to explore general processes of cognition.
Drugs and Behavior Research Lab
Director: Dr. Chris Correia
Program: Clinical
Description: The Drugs and Behavior Research Lab is interested in understanding factors related to substance use and addictive behaviors among college students.
Individual Differences, Training, and Assessment Lab
Director: Dr. Jinyan Fan
Program: I/O
Description: The Individual Differences, Training, and Assessment Lab examines how to apply psychology to the workplace, such as personnel selection, training and development, etc.
Language, Attention, and Memory Lab
Director: Dr. Susan Teubner-Rhodes
Program: CABS
Description: The Language, Attention, and Memory Lab (LAM Lab) combines behavioral and neuroimaging approaches to study how cognitive processes, such as attention and memory, influence speech and language processing across the lifespan.
Dr. Lazarte's Lab
Director: Dr. Alejandro Lazarte
Program: CABS
Description: Dr. Alejandro Lazarte's lab is focused on working memory and reading strategies in relation to reading comprehension.
Parent-Child Research Lab
Director: Dr. Elizabeth Brestan-Knight
Program: Clinical
Website: Auburn PCIT Lab
Description: The Parent-Child Research Lab research team evaluates Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) training workshops, PCIT treatment fidelity, and implementation of the Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System.
Psychopharmacology and Neurotoxicology Laboratory
Director: Dr. Chris Newland
Program: CABS
Description: The Psychopharmacology and Neurotoxicology Laboratory investigates the effects of drugs and environmental contaminants that act on the nervous system.
Research on Eating Disorders and Suicidality Lab (REDS)
Director: April Smith, Ph.D.
Program: Clinical
Description: The Research on Eating Disorders and Suicidality (REDS) Laboratory examines how biological and psychological risk factors contribute to disordered eating and suicidal behavior. Additionally, our lab’s research explores the high rates of suicidality and self-injury among individuals with eating disorders. Our lab incorporates multiple methodological approaches (e.g., implicit cognition, psychophysiological assessment) and experimental and correlational methods to approach these questions.
Stress, Health, and Research Methods Lab
Director: Dr. Gargi Sawhney
Description: We broadly investigate topics that include occupational safety, occupational stress, coping, recovery, and employee health and well-being. A secondary interest of this lab is development and validation of psychological measures. Within this sub-area, we explore the role of individual and contextual factors that influence psychometric properties of survey measures.
Suicidal Behavior and Psychopathology Laboratory
Director: Dr. Tracy Witte
Program: Clinical
Description: The Suicidal Behavior and Psychopathology Lab research focuses primarily on suicidal behavior as explained by Joiner's interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide.
Work-Life and Organizational Effectiveness Lab
Director: Dr. Jesse Michel
Program: I/O
Description: The Work-Life and Organizational Effectiveness Lab conducts research on work-life dynamics, personality and individual differences in the workplace, and scale development and validation.