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Good news tops Thomaston Council agenda

Progress in Thomaston topped the agenda for the June 13 Thomaston City Council meeting.

Everything discussed at the meeting, from a downtown sidewalk project to plans to acquire a new police car, sounded like positive steps forward.

The Council in Thomaston meets once a month.  I was eager to learn about local government at the June meeting attended by Mayor Jeff Laduron and Council members Bernard Cade, W.L. Drake, and Eddie Jones. Tonya Traywick, the mayor’s assistant, and Donna Stokes, city clerk, were also there to handle city business.

The highlight of the meeting was the mayor’s update on the progress of local projects.

“Dave’s Market is still thriving really well,” stated Laduron. Their monthly sales tax report was higher than it used to be, showing the success of the grocery store in town.

The Council also discussed the success of the town’s new shop building that is behind the city hall. They built a workshop building for maintenance work that the town needed. The building is tall enough that they can drive any of the vehicles in it. The building also has electric doors that open and close with the press of a button.

The town is working on a police car grant to get a new car for the town. They had a police car for 17 years that just died. They plan on declaring it as surplus and opening it up for bids.

More good news came from discussion of the sidewalk project. This plan will put sidewalks in Thomaston’s downtown made of brick pavers and is part of an overall plan to improve the area.

The town of Thomaston has been working steadily to beautify the downtown area. During my short time in Thomaston, I have seen improvements. The Tutt Land Company have provided several of the improvements.

The Tutt Land Company has remodeled an old downtown building to house a Whitetail Record Museum. They have also done some landscaping around the building and the farmer’s market area.

The Council members seemed motivated to continue to update the downtown area. Laduron stated, “We are working hard to improve parts of the town but also preserving what is already here.”

Another big project discussed at the meeting was the community safe house project. City officials have been meeting with architects and engineers to build a storm shelter near the city hall. This storm shelter will provide a safe place in town for community members to go in case of an emergency.

To share the good news about local projects and events, Traywick is working on a new town website featuring photos and information about Thomaston. She wants to use pictures to highlight the various aspects of life in the community.

Attending the Council meeting gave me a glimpse into how the town of Thomaston operates. I was very impressed by the commitment to the town that the Council members showed. I could tell by their discussions that they loved Thomaston and wanted to continue to improve the town.
