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Program Milestones
- Peter Cook completed his General Doctoral Exam and advanced to doctoral candidacy.
- Isabelle Couvillion Successfully proposed her thesis titled “Training an AI chatbot to infer workplace competencies”.
- Kendall McGoey completed her PhD in August 2024; congratulations, Kendall!
- Lilah Eads passed doctoral exam and is now officially a doctoral candidate.
- Peter Cook passed doctoral exam and is now officially a doctoral candidate.
- Austin Cunningham successfully proposed his dissertation title “Challenge and hindrance stressors: The mediating role of resource gain and resource gain and resource loss in stressor appraisals.”
- Austin Cunningham published his thesis in the Journal of Psychology.
- Tatiana Guevara: Successfully proposed her thesis titled “Caught in a digital trap: The effects of technostress on work-family conflict and the moderating role of attentional resources.” and has her defense scheduled.
- Joseph Himmler: Successfully proposed his thesis titled “Balancing the benefits and challenges of AI: Understanding its impact on employee work engagement and burnout.”
- Jordan Everett: Successfully proposed her thesis titled “From small talk to smart talk:
Development of an AI chatbot to infer intellect and cognitive ability.” - DuBois Barnes proposed her thesis titled “Illegitimate Tasks and Negative Spillover: The Roles of Positive Work Reflection and Job Security”
- Jordan Everett and Olivia Eckhardt: Participated in the 2025 SIOP Consulting Challenge.
- Isabelle Couvillion: Successfully defended her thesis titled “Training an AI chatbot to infer workplace competencies” and graduated with her Master’s degree.
- Isabelle Couvillion: Passed her doctoral exam and is now officially a doctoral candidate.
- Faith Shannon: Passed her doctoral exam and is now officially a doctoral candidate.
New Roles and Positions
- Dr. Christopher Dishop will be joining the IO program as an Assistant Professor in Fall of 2025.
- Dr. Jesse Michel has been appointed the Incoming Associate Editor at the International Journal of Stress Management.
- Dr. Jesse Michel: Associate Editor at Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Occupational Health Science
- Dr. Jesse Michel: Board member at JAP, JBP, JOHP, JVB
- Jonah Richardson: Completed an internship with Proctor and Gamble as an Analytics and Insights Leader for the Fabric and Home Care sector and was given a return offer based on his excellent work.
- Julia Barrett: Started an assistantship with the Office of Academic Insight.
Awards and Grants
- Phillip Nguyen: Awarded Department of Psychological Sciences Graduate Student Small Grant for 2025.
- Dr. Jesse Michel has been elected as a SIOP Fellow.
General Program News
- Jingyi Li, Jordan Everett, and Jinyan Fan presented “Future of Performance Prediction and Evaluation: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data” at SIOP 2024 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.
- Paige Watson presented “Modern careers research on success, satisfaction, and continuance in the gig economy” at SIOP 2024 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.
- Soonyoung Kim and Jinyan Fan presented “Unlocking potential: AI applications in diversity, equity, and inclusion research” at SIOP 2024 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.
- Kendall McGoey, Austin Cunningham, and Gargi Sawhney presented “Work is on my mind: Examining the role of cognition in the workaholism experience”at SIOP 2024 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.
- Jinyan Fan presented “AI remembers it all too well: The power of AI in personality interviews” at SIOP 2024 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.
- Jonah Richardson, Isabelle Couvillion, Lilah Donnelly Eads, and Jordan Everett presents “Measurement, causes, and consequences of job boredom” at SIOP 2024 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.