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Department of Psychological Sciences
Facilities and Labs

The I/O program faculty and graduate students have offices and research labs in Thach Hall. In addition, faculty and graduate students participate in consulting, contracts, and internships in the nearby community.  

I-O Program Research Labs


Enhancing Motivation and Promoting Occupational Well-being, Equity, and Resilience (EMPOWER) Lab

Director: Dr. Paige Watson

Description: The EMPOWER lab employs a variety of methodological approaches to address research questions at the intersection of these areas - Occupational Well-being, Equity, and Resilience.

Individual Differences, Training and Assessment Lab

DirectorDr. Jinyan Fan

Description: The Individual Differences, Training, and Assessment Lab examines how to apply psychology to the workplace, such as personnel selection, training and development, etc.

Organizational Processes and Management History

Director: Dr. Dan Svyantek

Description: This lab focuses on the investigation of the interaction between both individual level variables (e.g., personality) and organizational level variables (e.g., organizational culture) across time.

Safety, Health, and Research Methods

Director: Dr. Gargi Sawhney

Description: We broadly investigate topics that include occupational safety, occupational stress, coping, recovery, and employee health and well-being. A secondary interest of this lab is development and validation of psychological measures. Within this sub-area, we explore the role of individual and contextual factors that influence psychometric properties of survey measures.

Social Motives Lab 

Director: Dr. Jonathan Kunstman

Description: The social motives lab examines how stereotypes and social identities like race and social class influence health and professional success. Our research group considers multiple group perspectives in its study of intergroup dynamics.    

Work-Life and Organizational Effectiveness Lab

Director: Dr. Jesse Michel


Description: The Work-Life and Organizational Effectiveness Lab conducts research on work-life dynamics, personality and individual differences in the workplace, and scale development and validation.

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