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Department of Psychological Sciences
Therapy Services

Under the supervision of licensed psychologists, graduate clinicians provide confidential individual therapy for children, adolescents, and adults. Therapy is provided for depression, anxiety, trauma, behavior problems, relationship problems, stress, and any other area of concern. Family therapy, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), and group therapy services are also provided.

The cost of therapy at AUPSC depends on family income and ranges from $30 to $60 per fifty-minute session. All therapy clients are charged $80 for their initial intake appointment, which typically lasts two hours. AUPSC does not bill insurance. If you would like to schedule an intake appointment, please call our administrative specialist at 334-844-4889.


Specialty Clinics

Center for Autism Research, Treatment and Training

The Center for Autism Research, Treatment and Training (CARTT) is part of the Auburn University Psychological Services Center and serves as a training clinic for students in the Applied Behavior Analysis Master’s Program in the Department of Psychological Sciences. CARTT is an intensive preschool program that uses behavioral, research-based instruction to address the individual needs of children between the ages of 2-5 with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other related developmental disorders in the Auburn-Opelika community. We also offer a range of behavioral consultation and training services to individuals, schools, and organizations in the surrounding area, and social skills groups for children and adolescents.

Hours of operation: Tuesday–Thursday, 9:00 am–4:00 pm

For inquiries regarding our services, please contact us by phone at 334-844-6691 or email


Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

The Auburn University Psychological Services Center offers Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), an empirically supported intervention for the reduction of behavior problems in young children. During PCIT, parents work with a graduate clinician supervised by a licensed psychologist to learn play therapy skills to enhance their parent-child relationship. Parents also learn to manage child behavior using behavioral principles. Therapists will work with your family until your child’s home behaviors improve. Treatment typically lasts 14-18 weeks, and parents are asked to complete homework assignments with their child between sessions.

Who can participate?

  • Parents who have a child between the ages of 2 and 6 years
  • Children currently living with one or both parents (may be foster or adoptive parents)
  • Children with behavior problems at home, school, pre-school or day care.
  • Grandparents, step-parents, and foster parents are welcome to participate
  • Any parent who would like to be coached during live interactions with their child

For more information or to schedule an intake appointment, please call 334-844-4889.

Please contact the clinic at 334-844-4889 to be placed on the waiting list and to learn about alternative referral options. Thanks for your patience as well as your continued interest in PCIT services.


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Group

DBT is an empirically supported treatment aimed at improving problematic patterns in emotion regulation, impulse control, interpersonal relationships, and self-image. DBT Skills Group offers skills training in core areas including mindfulness, walking the middle path, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. These skills are aimed at helping individuals address existing behavioral, emotional, and interpersonal problems and begin living a life worth living.

AUPSC offers groups for adolescents (ages 13-18) and adults (18+). Our adolescent group meets weekly on Monday evenings from 5pm-7pm and runs for 20 weeks. Our adult groups meet weekly on Wednesday or Thursday evenings from 5pm–7pm and run for 15 weeks. The cost of each 2-hour session is $10 and the cost of the initial group intake appointment is $35. Group members may join on a rolling basis every four weeks until the group is full. Group members must have an individual therapist (at AUPSC or elsewhere). If you are interested in DBT Skills Group but do not have an individual therapist, you may contact AUPSC to learn more about our individual therapy services or obtain a referral list.

DBT Skills Group is currently accepting new clients. Please contact the clinic at 334-844-4889 to be placed on our waitlist or to learn more about our services. To learn more and provide your contact information to be contacted by a clinician, please complete our survey.


Auburn Eating Disorders Clinic

The Auburn Eating Disorders Clinic (AEDC) offers evidence-based treatment, typically cognitive behavioral therapy or family-based therapy (as relevant), which involves regularizing eating, in-session weight monitoring, learning new ways to cope with distressing thoughts and urges about eating/body image, and out-of-session practice exercises. Additionally, we tailor our treatment plans based on evidence and the client’s unique needs. Treatment typically lasts 20-25 weeks, and we often recommend working with an interdisciplinary team (e.g. general practitioner, nutritionist, psychiatrist).

Who is a good candidate for AEDC services?

  • Ages 6 and older
  • Individuals who are struggling with eating disorders (such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, other-specified feeding and eating disorders, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder) disordered eating, and/or body image concerns
  • Note: Individuals with very low body weight and/or unstable vitals are not likely an appropriate fit for our clinic and will be referred for a higher level of care.

You may call 334-844-4889, email or take the screener to find out more information.