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Program Affiliates

Program affiliates have research, service and teaching interests in African American and Africana Studies. Affiliates participate in program events, including a fall lecture series, and help shape the African American and Africana Studies program and offerings. If you would like to become an affiliate, please contact Dr. Ernest Gibson.


African American and Africana Studies Program Affiliates

Jaena Alabi
Chair of Nominating Committee and Advisory Committee Member ('16)
RBD Library
Areas of interest: African American literature, diversity in libraries
"An Introduction to Racial Microaggressions"

Evelyne Bornier
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Areas of interest: Francophone literature, cultures, and cinema from the Maghreb; Maghrebi immigration in France

Jennifer Brooks
Department of History
Areas of interest: Race, class, and culture in the American South; new and modern South; southern labor history

Mitchell Brown
Assessment Committee Member ('15)
Department of Political Science
Areas of interest: American and comparative politics with a focus on the empowerment of marginalized groups
"The Voting Rights Act and Judicial Professionalization of Race in American Elections"

David Carter
Chair of Nominating Committee and Advisory Committee Member ('17)
Department of History
Areas of interest: African American history, Civil Rights Movement, race in American history, history of segregation/Jim Crow
"Mississippi 'Freedom Summer' Voter Registration Drive"

Ken Crowell
Department of English
Areas of interest: African and African diasporic literatures, Caribbean literature and popular music, hip hop

Tim Dodge
Nominating Committee Member ('18)
RBD Library
Areas of interest: African American music, Afro-Caribbean music, African American history and culture, diversity in libraries
"School of Arizona Dranes: Gospel Music Pioneer"

Adrienne Duke
Advisory Committee Member ('19)
Department of Human Development and Family Studies and Alabama Cooperative Extension Systems
Areas of interest: Positive development of African American youth and girls development through youth participatory action research
"Africana Studies and Outreach: An exploration of how to affect change locally and globally"

Benjamin Fagan
Nominating Committee Member ('19)
Department of English
Areas of interest: Early African American literature and cultures of print

Kathryn Floyd
Department of Art and Art History
Areas of interest: History of African and African American art, contemporary African art

Rosetta Guiliani Caponetto
Member of Nominating Committee ('14) and Advisory Committee ('20)
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Areas of interest: literature and film with respect to Italian colonialism in the Horn of Africa; African diaspora in Italy; blaxploitation cinema; postcolonial theory, race and ethnic studies

Joan Harrell
School of Communication and Journalism
Areas of interest: history of journalism within the context of vulnerable populations; alterity and critical race theory; women of the African Diaspora; depictions of people of the African Diaspora; intersectionality of American slavery, religion and politics; United States Public Health Service

Kelly Kennington
Assessment Committee Member (’15)
Department of History
Areas of interest: History of slavery

Viviane Koua
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Areas of interest: Francophone literature, cinema, theater and cultures of Africa and Afro-French-Caribbean

Kelly Ann Krawczyk
Department of Political Science
Areas of interest: Nonprofit management and governance in African NGOs; aspects of good governance in Africa including corruption, accountability, citizen participation and service delivery

Kasia Leousis
RBD Library (Architecture, Design and Construction)
Area of interests: African American architecture, art and design; history of architectural education for African Americans; diversity in libraries

Stacye Nickson
K-12 Outreach
Areas of interest: Intercultural understanding and communication, education in South Africa, South African politics
"After Mandela: South African Education in the Context of Politics, Business & Race"

Erich Nunn
Department of English
Areas of interest: popular music, southern studies, African American literature and culture, film, critical theory, nineteenth-century American literature and culture, minstrelsy, modern and contemporary American literature

Tal Peretz
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work
Areas of interest: Black feminism, social movements and social change, allyship, intersectionality, and men's gender justice activism

Sam Ruddick
Department of English
Areas of interest: Postcolonial studies in the context of a comparative view of American and African (particularly South African) literature

Kristrina Shuler
Advisory Committee Member ('16) and Assessment Committee Chair (’15)
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work
Areas of interest: biological anthropology, medical anthropology, paleopathology, bioarchaeology of the African Diaspora, Caribbean and Southeastern United States

Don Wehrs
Department of English
Areas of interest: Pre-Colonial Africa in colonial African narratives, African feminist fiction

J. Emmett Winn
Associate VP and School of Communication and Journalism
Areas of interest: Scholarship on racism and classism in film