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Department of Music
Voice Audition Requirements

Coordinator, Voice Studies

Rosephanye Powell

Rosephanye Powell


Coordinator of Voice Studies

Voice Audition Requirements

  1. Perform two songs from memory of the classical vocal solo tradition (i.e., an English, Italian, Latin, French, or German art song and/or an aria from an opera or oratorio. The English art song repertoire may include African American spirituals or American folksongs arranged by a published classical composer with piano accompaniment, or a song from standard American musical theater repertoire). Only one of the two songs performed should be in English. At least one song should be in a foreign language. Please note that popular songs (e.g., country, gospel, contemporary Christian, praise and worship, rhythm and blues, urban, pop, jazz, etc.) and voice parts from a choral work are not acceptable.
  2. The Music Department will provide an accompanist for live auditions. Music for the accompanist should be in either original score or two-sided copies in a black binder. The singer may provide his/her own accompanist. Recorded accompaniment is discouraged.
  3. Live auditions may include sight singing in addition to the performance of the prepared songs.
  4. It is strongly recommended that singers dress in professional attire.
  5. Students will be judged on their vocal development, posture, breathing, language/diction, musicianship, and artistry/expression.

Instructions for Video Auditions

  1. Prepare two songs from memory of the classical vocal solo tradition (i.e., an English, Italian, Latin, French, or German art song and/or an aria from an opera or oratorio. The English art song repertoire may include African American spirituals or American folksongs arranged by a published classical composer with piano accompaniment, or a song from standard American musical theater repertoire). Only one of the two songs performed should be in English. At least one song should be in a foreign language. Please note that popular songs (e.g., country, gospel, contemporary Christian, praise and worship, rhythm and blues, urban, pop, jazz, etc.) and voice parts from a choral work are not acceptable.
  2. Upload one video with both songs or upload two videos with one song per video.
  3. State your name, title of the song, and name of composer before singing each song.
  4. Make sure that the video is at a distance to capture the entire body.
  5. Be sure that your video and sound quality are clear. (Note: a phone or other device may be used to make the video.)
  6. It is strongly recommended that singers dress in professional attire.
  7. Students will be judged on their vocal development, posture, breathing, language/diction, musicianship, and artistry/expression.
    Email Dr. Rosephanye Powell ( to confirm that the videos have been uploaded and that the application has been completed.

Coordinator, Voice Studies

Rosephanye Powell

Rosephanye Powell


Coordinator of Voice Studies