Graduate Students
Please contact Dr. Michel for inquires about the WLOE lab. Additional information about Auburn University's Industrial-Organizational Psychology Program (e.g., program statistics, faculty, facilities), as well as the application process, can be found on the Department of Psychology website.
Undergraduate Research Assistants
Research is a great way to prepare for graduate school and to get involved at Auburn University. Former undergraduate research assistants working with Dr. Michel have received acknowledgments on posters and have even co-authored published articles. Students interested in getting involved in the research currently being conducted in the Work-Life and Organizational Effectiveness Lab should fill out an application and email it to Typically, undergraduate students are responsible for coding data, data collection, and preparation of stimuli and other materials needed for studies.
Interested Participants
If you are interested in getting involved as a participant in any of our ongoing research projects, please email for further details regarding the requirements and logistics of your participation.
Industry and Consulting
If you are interested in the kind of work we do, both current research in the lab and the additional research interests of the lab director, please contact Dr. Jesse S. Michel at 334-844-6656 or for more information. We welcome opportunities to collaborate with businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations, or individuals on projects that include a combination of consulting and research issues related to work-life dynamics and organizational effectiveness.
Lab Location
The Work-Life and Organizational Effectiveness Lab is located on the 1st floor of Thach Hall at Auburn University (Room 102B). The building's location and visitor parking lot can be found on the campus map. Visitor parking is available on the top floor of the Stadium Parking Deck.